FARE 2014

FARaction over this FC

The aims of „FARaction over this FC“ are to promote FARE values over players of Footbal club ……….., especially over the children and youths in the club; other important aim is to try to integrate young players from the ethnic minorities through open football tournament and discussion for them.

We generated publicity through our Facebook, Linkedin and other social media channels (including 3 bulgarian social media channels, we posted information in our website and in 2 other sports news websites. We spoke to all the children that participated about FARE and the aims of the organization and how we participate and what we do in this matter. We gave them our FARE campaign brochures.

We promoted our FARE activity – FARaction over this FC – through our social media profiles and through several bulgarian media –

We made homophobia and anti-discrimination discussions with players from the area of coverage of ……. F.C. The discussions was lead by active footbal player organizing children football events. He explained them positive influence of football for social inclusion, health and social status, team work. We made thess discussions in two groups of children-as during the football tournament.
Instead of 2 days camp for ethnic minorities players for …… F.C., we made open football tournaments leaded by coach and player from the football club – they gave tactical, technical and team-spirit advices to players-devided in 2 age groups. All children that participated were players of the club, players of other local team and not active players – as many of them were from ethnic minorities; we had very few girls participating, too.