Участвайте на Младежки обмен в Португалия

Участвайте на Младежки обмен в Португалия

Предлагаме на вашето внимание Младежки обмен в Португалия – част от проектите на Фуутура с актуалната ТЕМА за приема на бежанци
Място: Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Portugal
Дати: 08.10.2018 – 16.10.2018
Одобрени от комисия в минимален състав от Председателят на Фуутура, Председателят на Младежки клуб Фуутура, както и 1 член на УС на Фуутура ще бъдат 4 човека, като ще се опитаме да изберем приоритетно:
– 2 момичета и 2 момчета (18-30 годишни към втората половина на 2018)
– младежи с визия по проблема и влияние (в социалните мрежи, в младежки организации и т.н.)
– младежи без голям опит в обмени
– младежи, които са участвали в дейностите на Фуутура (напр. отворени и безплатни тренировки, които продължават до септември и др.)
Разбира се, ако не отговаряте на 1 или всички от тези препоръчителни условия, отново може да кандидатствате, да бъдете класирани и избрани
Краен срок за кандидатстване за всички: 31.08.2018
Кандидатствате с CV и мотивационно писмо на английски език / info@footura.com
Има административна такса в размер на 22 евро на човек
Групата ще бъде водена от лидер на Фуутура
Проектът е Младежки обмен по Еразъм + и имате стандартните възстановявания на разходите (до и от Португалия)
40 participants from 7 countries
This project aims:
– To promote knowledge and debate on human rights and the realities covered by the refugee figure;
– To raise awareness among young people about the hate speech and risks deriving from it;
– To promote literacy in the media and on the Internet;
– To promote education about the media and the Internet;
– To reduce tolerance levels to hate speech;
– To mobilize and train young human rights activists;
– To monitor online hate speech and develop tools for constructive responses;
– To support and show solidarity to people and / or groups that are the target of hate speech;
– To encourage youth participation and citizenship.

More about the project:
At a time when Europe attends the arrival of thousands of refugees fleeing the war in their countries, opinions are
divided. Many were the countries that immediately opened their doors but not always their communities share the same
opinion. We observe every day, especially on social networks comments against the reception of refugees,which come
from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Some people express their fear of the unknown, others fear that the economic
crisis worsens, others simply express their displeasure to receive „these people“ in their countries. More than what they
say, the problem is how they say it. We are constantly faced with the most cruel words, highly incoherent thoughts that
just show ignorance about the current state of war in those countries where these people flee in search of a better life.
This project arises in this context, and aims to sensitize participants to this subject. Through most formative moments,
subjects will be discussed such as human rights, the realities covered by the refugee figure, legislation and asylum
policies at European and national context, the current situation of refugees, the arrangements for the reception and
integration processes. Through role-play, drama, brainstorming, debate and construction of street campaigns, will be
worked on themes such as citizenship, active participation, the advantages and disadvantages of communication and the
internet media, hate speech and the associated risks, how to respond constructively to hate speech, among others.
At the end of this project, participants will have acquired the skills necessary to recognize and act against this violation of
human rights. Through discussion on all these topics, perspective to complete deconstruction of the stereotypes created
around this issue, which has created so much controversy over the past few years. The ultimate goal is that the
community start to understand that hosting these citizens should be seen as a „human duty“ and, above all, end the hate
speech that has been observed and that could lead to situations of great conflict. At the end of the project, participants
will be able to work these same issues with the community of their countries of origin.
