Сдружение Фуутура израти 5-ма участници на Младежки обмен в Португалия (по програма Еразъм + на ЕС) с основна тема Активирай провинцията (Act for the countryside). Участваха 40 младежи от следните страни: Португалия, Гърция, Испания, Италия, Литва, Румъния, Гурция, Полша и България. Заложени бяха много културни прояви и визити (50 % от програмата) до музеи и замъци в Португалия, Гуарда, Саламанка (Исп.), Сиудад Родриго (Исп.), много интересни активности сред природата, различни дискусии, уъркшопи и др.
Основната цел на обмена е мотивацията и овластяването на младежи, идващи от провинцията (но не само), да развиват своите предприемачески способности и идеи, които да се прилагат в по-малки населени места. Проектът е мотивиран от негативната тенденция в някои европейски страни за депопулация на малките населени места и особено – лиспата на младежи и различни инициативи в тях.
Project summary
Young people from rural areas often do not have access to the same opportunities as young people in urban areas: whether in formal and non-formal education, or in contact with other cultures and therefore knowledge of the world – thus having greater difficulty in accessing experiences that enable them to acquire basic and transversal skills. Moreover, these young people often face economic hardship, which makes it even more difficult for them to access certain opportunities, including the opportunity to travel.
This project comes up with the main objective of empowering young people from rural areas in a logic of entrepreneurship and motivating them to be the agents of change that could reverse the depopulation of their regions. To this end, a Youth Exchange will be held which aims to bring together young people from various European countries, particularly young people from rural / inland areas, to discuss the issues affecting these areas and to find solutions together. During this activity, young people will make a set of visits to areas around the host city to discover the resources that can be harnessed in each location to create an entrepreneurial idea, while producing a tourist itinerary of the region. This will be an example of harnessing rural / inland resources that young people will be invited to replicate in their countries. Also defined as project objectives: equip young participants with transversal skills; give young people from rural / rural areas an opportunity to have an intercultural experience; use non-formal education to raise the notion of entrepreneurship in young people, while giving them greater knowledge