Проектът STEADY издаде Ръководство и Наръчник за социално включване на разселени младежи с увреждания чрез спорт:
Ръководство на български език – Manual-BG-version-converted
Наръчник на български език – Handbook-BG-version-1
Таблица 1 – Table 1 – 10 – 13 page
Таблица 2 – Table 2 – 14-15 page
Таблица 3 – Table 3 – 19-22 page
Ръководство на английски език – Manual_for print
Наръчник на английски език – Handbook_for print
Можете да намерите още много полезни материали, свързани с приобщаващата роля на спорта тук: https://footura.com/index.php/category/pobeditel/worldsport/
The STEADY website will feature news, project’s findings and updates, such as reports, policy briefs as well as opportunities for collaboration, e.g. events announcements, workshops and training sessions. Also, all the tools and guidelines that will be developed in the context of the SIMILAR project will be available on the website in downloadable format.
The website is currently available in English, but its most important content will also be translated in Spanish, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Austrian, Bulgarian and Serbian. Along with the website the STEADY Project has also launched its social media channels in Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , Linked In . As the development of networking and an expanded stakeholder list is one of the main goals of the project, special focus was given to the development of all these social media channels.
The consortium of the project consists of the following partners:
Project leader Hellenic Paralympic Committee (HPC) and Equal Society from Greece, Serbian Paralympic Committee, Attivamente (Italy), fairplay Initiative at VIDC from Austria, Play and Train (Spain), Centro Social de Soutelo (Portugal), Footura (Bulgaria) and the Agitos Foundation, the development arm of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) based in Bonn, Germany. Each partner has an experience which will bring unique input to the project.